Happu Ki Ultan Paltan is a hilarious Indian sitcom that offers non stop laughter with its quirky characters and relatable family situations. Airing on &TV, this entertaining Yodesi serial is a spin-off of the popular Bhabi Ji Ghar Par Hai, focusing on life of Happu Singh, witty inspector. Happu Ki …
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On Yodesirulez, get ready to laugh out loud with Happu Ki Ultan Paltan, comedy series that brings humor straight from heart of bustling Indian household. A spin off of popular sitcom Bhabi Ji Ghar Par Hai, this hilarious drama revolves around Happu Singh, comical police officer with big family and even bigger troubles.
The show follows Happu’s chaotic life as he tries to balance his demanding job, his quirky wife Rajesh, his sharp-tongued mother Katori Amma and his nine mischievous children. With mix of clever dialogues, slapstick comedy, and relatable family dynamics, each episode is delightful rollercoaster of laughs and antics.
Happu Ki Ultan Paltan is perfect for viewers who love lighthearted entertainment with touch of family drama and timeless humor. Catch all episodes for free on Yodesirulez and join Happu and his eccentric family in their laugh a minute adventures.